Rolling Meadows, Ill. — The wellness-platform provider FitLyfe recently launched the Vaccination Tracking Tool to help employers with 100 or more employees meet new OSHA requirements to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Beginning January 4, 2022, employers with 100 or more employees must have a fully vaccinated workforce, either two doses of Pfizer or Moderna, or one dose of Johnson & Johnson
“After that, all covered employers must ensure that any employees who have not received the necessary shots begin producing a verified negative test to their employer on at least a weekly basis,” according to a White House press release published Nov. 4.
Vaccination Tracking Tool for Employers
“Employers need an easy way to see who is in compliance with the vaccine mandate and who is not,” says FitLyfe CEO Sam Salbi.
“Most will have to allocate more staff time and resources to meet the requirements and incur additional costs working with third-party vendors and healthcare providers. But there’s a more affordable and efficient way to do this.”
FitLyfe recently launched the cloud-based Vaccination Tracking Tool to help employers with 100 or more employees meet the new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
The Vaccination Tracking Tool is designed to:
- Track vaccination status per employee
- Track testing-results per employee
- Send reminders via email and SMS about vaccination status, appointments, testing results, and more.
- Notify employees of a positive-COVID test, exposure risk, and quarantine requirements
- Simplify self-reporting for employees after getting vaccinated or tested
- Reduce cost, vendor fees, and staff time to comply with the vaccine mandate for employers
- Support wellness program engagement with information and resources related to COVID-19
- Help wellness program managers meet COVID-19 requirements for employers and simplify the reporting process
OSHA Fees for Non-Compliance with Vaccine Mandate
For employers with 100 or more employees that don’t follow the new vaccine requirements or put a plan in place before January 4, 2022, it could be costly.
- OSHA may fine a covered employer that does not comply…up to $13,653 for each violation of the standard.
- Employers that willfully or repeatedly violate the standard can be fined up to $136,532. And if current legislation is approved (Build Back Better Act), it would raise the maximum fine to $700,000.
Employers: How to Meet the New Vaccine Requirements
Fortunately, there’s an easy way to meet the new vaccine requirements for employers with 100 or more employees.
“The Vaccination Tracking Tool provides a centralized way for employers to meet the new vaccine requirements,” says Salbi.
“It eliminates the need for employers to contract with multiple wellness vendors to collect vaccine data. And it solves all of the problems with the vaccine mandate employers are trying to figure out how to handle.”